Seattle Opera's 2011-12 Shortfall
Auditions for the General Director 2012

Master Class with Kevin Murphy 2012

Kevin-and-heidi-grant-murphy* Program *
"Che gelida manina" from La Bohème
Joshua Baum, tenor and Artem Grishaev, piano

"Bella siccome un' angelo" from Don Pasquale
Joseph Lattanzi, baritone and Elena Lacheva, piano

"Deh per questo istante solo" from La Clemenza di Tito
Sarah Mesko, mezzo-soprano and Kevin Miller, piano

"Madamina, il catalogo è questo" from Don Giovanni
Matthew Scollin, bass-baritone and Francesco Fraboni, piano

* Notes *
Pianist Kevin Murphy (pictured with wife Heidi Grant Murphy above) gave a master class for the Merola Opera Program on Tuesday at Herbst Theatre. Murphy sat in the audience during the initial performances of each the pieces, then would join the singers and pianists on stage to work on particular issues. Murphy noted that no one was worried about Baum's high C in "Che gelida manina," but had him work on pronouncing the vowels so they did not sag. Murphy instructed Grishaev to play with less articulation. Joseph Lattanzi and Elena Lacheva gave an elegant rendition of "Bella siccome un'angelo." Murphy was concerned about the marriage of text and music, and had Lattanzi speak the text, asking him to find words he liked and to be more conversational. Murphy suggested that Lacheva leave out notes so that the texture of the piece was more apparent. Sarah Mesko was able to get a more consistent sound as Murphy had her go word by word though particular lines. Matthew Scollin's face was incredibly animated as he sang The Catalogue Aria, and Murphy was able to get a brighter sound from him by the end of the class.

* Tattling *
Murphy declared at certain points that he hated the pursuit of a vocal line and also phrasing.
