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SF Opera Survey 2008

There is nothing I like better than a survey on opera, and San Francisco Opera does seem to send them my way every year. Here are the latest questions, complete with Opera Tattler answers.

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Hello. San Francisco Opera would like to thank you for agreeing to participate in this study! Please be assured that all of your answers will be kept strictly confidential and will be used only for the purposes of this study. The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. As a thank-you for your time, you will be entered into a drawing to win one of three $100 cash prizes.

We'd like to start by asking you some classification questions.

Are you?
x Female

In order to ensure that we are reaching people in all age groups, please indicate into which of the following age ranges you fall.
Under 18    
x 25-34    
75 or older    
Prefer not to answer    

Our records indicate that you recently signed up at the San Francisco Opera website to receive free tickets to attend the San Francisco Opera simulcast of Lucia di Lammermoor at AT&T Park on June 20, 2008.

Were you able to attend the simulcast event?
x No

What factors prevented you from attending the San Francisco Opera simulcast event? Please select all that apply.
I was sick/not feeling well    
No transportation available    
Don't like general admission seating    
Lost the tickets    
Friends canceled on me    
Don't like AT&T Park    
The weather (rainy, too cold, too hot, etc.)    
x Something else came up    
Not enough concessions    
Some other reason (Please specify)         

How did you first learn about this San Francisco Opera simulcast event? Please select all that apply.
Newspaper - San Francisco Chronicle Pink Section    
Newspaper - San Francisco Chronicle other than Pink Section Newspapers - other than San Francisco Chronicle    
Outdoor signs (banners, billboards, bus shelters)    
E-mail messages    
Mailings (postcards, brochures, newsletters, etc.)    
Through my company    
Word of mouth, family, or friends    
Websites (entertainment, news, etc.)    
x San Francisco Opera website (sfopera.com)    
Other (Please specify)    
None of the above    

Our next few questions are about your experiences with the San Francisco Opera besides the simulcast.

When was the last time, if ever, that you saw an opera performance at the San Francisco Opera? Please do not include simulcast performances.
x Past 3 months    
Past 4-6 months    
Past 7-12 months    
1-2 years ago    
Over 2 years ago    
Don't know/can't recall

Using a scale from 1 to 7 where "7" means "Very interested," and "1" means "Not at all interested," please rate your overall level of interest in attending an opera performance at San Francisco Opera in the future.

How likely are you to attend an opera performance at San Francisco Opera within the next 12 months?

What factors, if any, would prevent you from attending an opera performance at San Francisco Opera in the future? Please enter your response in the space provided below and be as specific as possible.
If I had a lobotomy. Or if I died. If SF Opera had an all Puccini program all the time, I might go less.

Listed below are some factors that might negatively impact your likelihood to attend an opera performance at the San Francisco Opera or prevent you from going more often than you currently do. For each one, please indicate whether it is a Major Factor for not going, a Minor Factor for not going, or Not a Factor. Please select a response for each item.
Event is too formal             Not a factor
Language barrier             Not a factor
Not familiar with or don't like the specific operas             Minor factor
Tickets are too expensive             Minor factor   
The Opera is for people of higher status or wealthier than I am             Minor factor   
Difficulty/cost of travel/parking         Not a factor   
Don't like opera in general         Not a factor   
Prefer to spend leisure time other ways         Not a factor   
My partner/spouse/significant other doesn't like opera     Not a factor       
Hard to make time to go             Not a factor
The Opera is for people who are older than I am         Minor factor   
Opera performances are too long             Not a factor
Don't like the production styles             Not a factor
Seen specific operas too often             Major factor

Admission to the most recent simulcast was free. Would you be willing to buy a ticket to an outdoor San Francisco Opera simulcast?
x Yes    
Don't know/not sure    

Approximately how much would you be willing to pay per person for admission to an outdoor San Francisco Opera simulcast?
Less than $5    
x $10    
More than $35    

Would you be willing to buy a ticket to an indoor San Francisco Opera simulcast at a movie theater or performing arts venue?
x Yes    
Don't know/not sure    

Approximately how much would you be willing to pay per person for admission to an indoor San Francisco Opera simulcast?
Less than $5    
x $20    
More than $35

We are interested in learning more about previous experiences you may have had with opera in general, not just San Francisco Opera.

Approximately how many times, if any, have you attended any live opera performance in the past 2 years?
x 5 or more    

Which, if any, of the following statements about opera apply to you personally? Please select all that apply.
x Some of my friends are fans of opera    
x I listen to opera on CD    
x I have purchased opera music on CD or electronically    
I have watched opera performances on TV in High Definition (HD) format
x I own opera performances on video or DVD    
I listen to opera on the radio    
I watch opera on cable or satellite television    
x I have attended opera broadcasts at movie theaters    
x Members of my immediate family are fans of opera    
None of the above    

Which of the following statements best describes your previous exposure to opera?
x I was first exposed to opera as a child    
I was a young adult when I was first exposed to opera    
I was not exposed to opera until I was an adult    
I do not recall when I was first exposed to the opera    
I have no previous exposure to the opera    

How much do you like opera overall?
x Like extremely
Like very much
Like quite a bit
Like somewhat   
Like slightly
Do not like at all

Using the list provided below, please indicate your three favorite genres of music.
x Opera    
Gospel Music    
Symphonic versions of popular Music    
Chamber Music    
Alternative Rock    
Hip Hop or Rap    
Bluegrass/Appalachian folk music    
x World Music (music from diverse cultures)    
x Classical Music (symphonic or prominent recitalists)    
None of the above
