Märchenhafte Teestunde
April 14, 2008
This evening I happened upon Katja Popwo telling the Grimm fairy tale "Die alte Hexe und ihre Tochter," also known as "Der Krautesel." This was part of a weekly series at the Tadschikische Teestube (Tajik Tearoom) in the Palais am Festungsgraben. Ms. Popwo told the story from memory quite charmingly, relating the adventures of a huntsman. The tale is of the Aarne-Thompson-Uther Type 567, The Magic Bird Heart, and also involves a wishing cloak, witches, and cabbages. Listening to this certainly was a fun exercise for someone learning German. The adorable tearoom has much to recommend it as well, the Assam tea I had was pleasant and served nicely, and the pelmeni was tasty. Stories are told each Monday at around 7:30pm and the entrance fee is 9 Euro.
Official Site of the Märchenfrauen | Description of the Tadshikische Teestube